Canception is a project to introduce different way of viewing the average can. It was branded to be a optical illusion experience., every time a can would be opened new optical illusion would appear. Either from the bottom, top, or beginning of a new can. Every section of every can has a new optical illusion. As you open each can a smaller can would be inside, until they get so small you couldn’t possibly open anymore.
Canception Canception is a project to introduce different way of viewing the average can. It was branded to be a optical illusion experience., every time a […]
Aqua Box Aqua Box is a subscription box based company. They ship exotic freshwater fish to customers who subscribe to their service. The packaging has a […]
Bear Arms Bear Arms is a wrapping paper company who brands all their wrapping paper with americana themed artwork. A important part of their branding is […]
Top Wolf TopWolf is a pet food company, they specially brand to wolfdogs. The TopWolf packaging emphasizes on the connnection between wolves and wolfdogs. Having the […]